Tag: music theory

  • The Coldplay Effect

    The Coldplay Effect

    Have you figured out the Coldplay Effect yet? Evie released a video on Instagram that got a lot of people buzzing about music theory. One fan (3linx) was able to explain it very well in music theory terms.


    If you are a music teacher or songwriter you’ll want to take note of this simple tool for making your piano accompaniment sound more like the band Coldplay. Evie Clair began to discover this pattern when as a contestant on Season 12 of America’s Got Talent, she asked her accompanist if he could make her song sound more like Coldplay. He immediately inverted the chords to accommodate her and she realized she needed to know the secret behind that amazing trick. She joined Po-Shen Loh, a world renowned math professor, in New York City at the famous Cutting Room studio to investigate this idea more.


    In their downtime a cell phone camera captures Evie and Po trying out the Coldplay effect on the popular song Shallow by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. She is impressed with Po’s beautiful singing voice since he claims to have no musical talent.



    Evie documented her amazing trip to NYC in a fun video blog featuring her friend from a show she headlined in Reno and her mom’s only cousin who both live in New York City.



    Pictures from Evie’s adventures in New York City with Po-Shen Loh and the Rubinstein team. Po’s team sent Evie and her mom to see the Cher Show on broadway while they were in town. Cher’s life story in the music industry was paradigm shifting for a young, rising talent like Evie Clair.