Even if the World Stops

Evie Clair’s 3rd song in her summer of collaborations is with some fantastic kids from One Voice Children’s Choir (Grant, Lulu, Eva and Kainoa) who [more…]

The Coldplay Effect

Have you figured out the Coldplay Effect yet? Evie released a video on Instagram that got a lot of people buzzing about music theory. One [more…]

Sunkiss Pools Commercial

Sunkiss Pool Commercial from Vistalight Productions on Vimeo. In August 2014, Evie starred in a Sunkiss Pools commercial with her family produced by Vistalight Producitons.  [more…]

Annie at Hale

Evie Clair played Molly in Hale Theatre Arizona’s production of Annie at age 8.  She learned to tap dance from Cambrian James just for the [more…]