Tag: deadly games

  • Evie Clair Performs from Philly to Maui

    Evie Clair Performs from Philly to Maui

    Evie Clair has been living her dream and traveling far distances to share her gift and her love. She recently had a beautiful opportunity to perform for an event called the Lime Light Gala. The formal concert supported the expansion of Nick’s House, a facility operated by the HEADstrong Foundation which provides complimentary lodging and community support to cancer patients and families who are displaced for experimental treatment in Philadelphia.  She was so happy to be able to help support those who struggled the same way her family did just last year. Her own father actually looked into experimental treatment at the Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania and they were a part of this event. There are more resources for helping with treatment and travel costs than Evie’s father was aware of. Evie hopes that others will know and spread the word about the help available through the HEADstrong foundation. It was created by family members of a young man named Nick who started the foundation and was taken by cancer in the prime of his life. His family has worked tirelessly to make sure there is purpose in his sacrifice.

    Evie Clair returned home from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Saturday and turned around to catch a plane for Maui, Hawaii on Monday. She has been very grateful to have set an early commitment to keep Sundays for rest and worship. She doesn’t believe she would be able to keep up her frantic pace if she didn’t have a day each week to slow down and remember where her blessings come from.

    Maui was an absolute dream come true for Evie Clair who before America’s Got Talent, had never even been on an airplane! She is definitely an experienced traveler now, but going from the East Coast to the far reaches of Hawaii can cause a little jet lag. She went early to make sure she was rested up before the show and stayed a few days after the show to catch some waves and enjoy one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

    This concert at the Four Seasons in Maui was for Trustmark, an employee benefits company. Since 1994 they have taken their Globetrotters incentive group through 24 years of unforgettable destinations all over the world. In every country they have visited they have showcased unforgettable performances like last year’s Phantom of the Opera performance in Budapest or Her Majesty’s Royal Scots Guard Bagpipers band in Scotland and the Vienna Boys Choir in Austria.  This year they decided that since Hawaii is the 50th state they would remind them that America also has talent. They brought together a sample of the acts that have helped make America’s Got Talent the most popular show on television.

    The show was brilliantly hosted by ventriloquist and comedian: Taylor Mason and included America’s Got Talent top acts from over the years including magician: Eric Jones, danger act: Deadly Games, light sand artist: Joe Castillo and singer: Evie Clair. It was a perfect balance of intrigue, excitement, entertainment, and heart and Evie will never forget it.

    They arrived Monday night for an incredible luau at the Marriott in Wailea where Evie was pulled on stage by a local to do the hula. The next day was performance day and we were treated like royalty by The Four Seasons Hotel. We arrived for a sound check and decided to stop for lunch at their beachside restaurant. Evelyn tried calamari for the first time and the food and atmosphere were perfection. The waiter was probably the nicest person ever and he came out to let them know that the hotel was covering their lunch bill because they were just so thankful Evie had come to perform there. He then insisted on bringing out dessert which Evie’s brother, Porter, said was the best thing he had ever tasted in his life!

    The days after the performance Evie Clair and her mother, brother and friend explored Maui. They had friends of her father’s, Steve and Kamie, who had recently moved to Maui from Idaho to start a touring business. They happened to live just a mile from her beach condo and were perfect tour guides. They introduced them to a local named Ina who taught the kids how to surf and then took them on an all day Road to Hana adventure in dune buggies where they stopped to jump off a waterfall, explore caves, eat coconut shrimp and see the black sand beach. Find more videos and pics on Evie’s Instagram account @evieclair