Quarter Finals

Evie Clair performed the song “Wings” by Birdy for the Quarter Finals. She had an incredible experience working with the staff of AGT on this beautiful performance. She was thrilled to be able to play the piano for this round because she feels it is such a big part of her. The stage and set and all the candles were remarkable.

This is a clip of Evie’s performance. You can watch the entire episode at www.nbc.com

Her favorite part of this experience so far has been in making friends with the other contestants and their families.  One of the other moms told her that this doesn’t feel like the other talent competitions they have been in. She said it didn’t feel like a competition at all because people were so kind toward each other.

We have felt that too and have felt the same compassion and kindness from the America’s Got Talent staff. From the assistants and judges to the producers, managers and crew, they are truly relationships we will have “for the rest of our lives.” Even Simon publicly sent his love to Evie’s dad this round.

Yes, Evie Clair was the Dunkin’ Save this round. It doesn’t mean she was in the bottom 3 on voting. It means she was 6,7,or 8th in voting out of 12. She was very nervous for all this extra attention but it turned out alright since America saved her. She wants to send out some special love to all her fans for that amazing gift.

A couple months ago Evie’s dad said he would not miss the live show if they had to roll him in on a stretcher.  It seems that he never imagined how quickly and how horribly his body could deteriorate making it impossible for him to travel. Someone videotaped his reaction from his hospital bed.

Evie’s dad is no longer able to work or even function without help. He has suffered severe malnutrition from the cancer disrupting his digestive system. The doctors were able to save his life just in time with nutrition that is delivered directly to his veins bypassing his digestive system. The problem with this solution is that it is very hard on the liver. Her dad had never smoked or consumed alcohol in his life so his liver was in pretty good shape to begin with. Now they are draining liquid from his distended abdomen to make room for food so they can save his liver and be strong enough to endure more cancer treatments.

His chances for survival are now very slim, but so were his daughter’s chances to be on America’s Got Talent. Both Evie and her dad are learning that nothing is impossible in this life. They are both staying positive and are ok with whatever happens. Seeing her move forward through the rounds is giving her dad the strength he needs to keep fighting and that is a blessing for our entire family.