Category: Concerts
Evie in Reno
The Eldorado Showroom of their Christmas Extravaganza, The Unbelievables: This year’s headliner is vocalist Evie Clair, a finalist on season twelve of America’s Got Talent.
The show is a family-friendly variety show featuring multiple amazingly talented athletes and entertainers. With death-defying acts like a duo of aerial strap artists and a trio of athletic Russian bar performers, it was often heart-stopping. One slip could result in serious injury.
For those that prefer a less heart-pounding form of entertainment, there is also the host, Dana Daniels and his comedy and magic. He appears throughout the show, usually getting audience members involved in the act.
The Illusionist Joseph Gabriel incorporates many types of birds, including a huge macaw that appears from a silk scarf. Of course, there are the vocal performances by the headliner Evie Clair as well as Andres Quintero, and the show closes with the sand artistry of Yulia Kurkina which you have to see to appreciate.
Wedding Weekend
Evie traveled to Utah on April 26th to sing for the wedding reception of Elder Gressman, a missionary who served near her home last year. For the event, she worked with the mega talented director of the One Voice Children’s Choir, Masa Fukuda and top Utah cellist, Garrett Rosza.
They covered a beautiful song by Ruelle called “I Get to Love You” that was requested by the bride. They also covered “I Wanna Dance With Somebody,” “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and some ‘on the spot’ requests. This is live, raw video footage filmed by A.J. Moss. Evie feels so grateful to be able to collaborate with such incredible musicians.
Evie Clair loves visiting Utah because she has lots of beloved aunts, uncles and cousins there. On this trip she also got to spend some time with her best friend, Clancy Thomas and his mom, who came to see her perform. She was happy to get to see them since Clancy only has a few months until he leaves on his mission. Evie belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where young people as young as 18 serve and teach away from home for up to 2 years. Just like Elder Gressman who served his mission in Evie’s town of Florence, Arizona, her friend Clancy will leave home in August to serve the people in Vina Del Mar, Chile.
Clancy has even helped Evie with lyrics for songs on her upcoming “Okay Day” Album that will be released June!
The Golden Rule Banquet
Evie was honored with an award last night and was also invited to perform at the 13th annual Arizona Golden Rule Banquet. Evie’s new hero was one of the Golden Rule Honorees of the night named Rose Mapendo. Rose has a powerful story, a vibrant heart and mind and a soothing singing voice. She and her 10 children were refugees to Phoenix from the Congo. She was rescued from a death camp where her husband was murdered. The day he was killed, she found out she was pregnant with twins. She had to give birth to them in the unthinkable conditions of the death camp. She desperately wanted to save the lives of her twins so she decided to name them after the officers in the death camp who had murdered her husband. Her forgiving heart under these extreme circumstances saved her children’ lives and she has been working tirelessly ever since promote peace and end genocide on a global scale. Here is a video about her if you’d like to learn more.
After the banquet, Rose’s children were waiting in the lobby as Rose was meeting with all kinds of dignitaries and philanthropists. Evie took the chance to spend some time talking with these amazing kids and grandkids of hers. They were all Evie Clair fans and went on and on about her beautiful singing when she really just wanted to talk about them and their incredible escape from the Congo. Her son told Evie that they have something in common in that they both lost their fathers at a young age. This broke her heart and she realized how much more suffering there is in the world than she ever realized. We respect these people so much, enjoyed their humble spirits and are so happy that they are now flourishing in Arizona and working along side their mother to spread peace and tolerance and The Golden Rule.
Evie also got to spend some time with Miss Arizona – MaddieRose Holler. Beauty queens always promote world peace, but this one is working for it using her talents along with Evie who has been part of this organization since she was 8 years old. Last night MaddieRose performed God Bless America and Evie performed some of her favorite covers and originals plus this Native American song called Peace. Evie sings for many organizations but since she has been a part of this one almost her whole life, it holds a special place for her. The aim of the Arizona Interfaith Movement and Arizona Golden Rule Educational Experiences (AGREE) is not complicated. It is based on the realization that almost every major religion in the world has something in common – the golden rule! They all have a form of it in their teachings and this discovery is creating hope and common ground and tolerance between people of different religious beliefs and cultures with an aim to end religious conflict.
This song, Nuh wah do hey yaw duh (Peace) – Native American (Cherokee) was commissioned by AGREE and written by Evie’s friend Kendra Martinez on an album written for Arizona schools called “Stars Shine Brightly.”
When Evie was 8 she sang a different song on that album. We’ll see if any one can guess which one, but she delivered “Peace” effortlessly last night inspiring the huge gathering to embrace love and religious and cultural tolerance.
Evie thought it was really cool that Muhammad Ali was also honored last night because her dad was a huge fan of his. Ali past away in 2016 but the award was accepted by the doctor who diagnosed him with Parkinson’s disease. Acknowledged around the world as an Ambassador of Peace, Muhammad Ali received the Paul Eppinger Peace Golden Rule Award for his diligent long-term efforts in bringing cultures, religions, and countries together.
An immigrant from Chile, Magdalena Schwartz, acts as a liaison and spokesperson between the Latino community and the police departments of Maricopa County, earning her the respect of other community and religious leaders, as well as the prestigious Darl Andersen Golden Rule Award.
As an author, teacher and psychotherapist, Marilyn Murray created the renowned therapeutic process, The Murray Method, which she uses in the treatment of trauma of thousands of Russians in Moscow, and later with patients throughout the entirety of the former USSR, and now in over 37 countries around the world, thereby truly earning her the International Humanitarian Golden Rule Award.
Through the use of “structured” school play, children learn to interact in empathetic and civil ways while simultaneously learning essential social and emotional skills that will benefit them in the classroom and in their future lives — earning Playworks a much deserved Education Golden Rule Award.
It was amazing for Evie to learn from these ambassadors of world peace. She felt like she got a trip around the world and she loved catching up with her friend Pat McMahon who was the master of ceremonies for the night.
La Rita
Evie Clair went on the road with magician Eric Jones headlining in the small town of Dalhart, Texas this past week. The small town near Amarillo welcomed them with open arms and hosted them at a historic and beautiful venue called La Rita Performing Arts Theater, a beautifully restored, 1930s period theatre – at one time the most modern theater in the Southwest after a remodel in 1942. Eric and Evie spent a day before the show touring and performing for kids in the local schools. During a Q&A, a young boy asked Evie Clair why she would come to a small town like Dalhart where there is nothing. Evie responded by encouraging him to appreciate his small town, that she was also from a small town like Dalhart and that it doesn’t matter how small a town is if there are good people there, it’s worth the trip.
Evie and Eric made a good impression on the students of Dalhart and many of them convinced their parents to bring them to the sold-out Saturday night show at La Rita, which is normally not a scene where you would find young kids or America’s Got Talent finalists, but they filled it to capacity and the city raved about the show. The two already have a booking for a similar show in another small Texas town after word from Dalhart spread.
Evie began the show by explaining that her mom had told her the weather in Dalhart would be similar to Phoenix so she packed T-shirts and capris but no coat. The morning after they arrived it was 28 degrees in Dalhart and the wife of one of the sound techs at La Rita showed up at Evie’s hotel with a beautiful, warm coat as a gift for her. Evie exclaimed “This is why I love small towns!”
Evie decided to leave the small town with a special sneak peak at a song called “Fair Minded” from her new album. Many said it was their favorite song of the night.
Enjoy this collection of photos by local photographer N. L. Olsen from Dalhart, TX.
Evie Clair at World’s Largest Family History Conference
Evie Clair was given a rare opportunity to perform and share stories of her ancestors at RootsTech, the largest family history conference in the world, on Saturday.
Article on Family Search
With Keynote speakers like Olympic Ice Skater, Scott Hamilton and Latin musician, Natalia LaFourcade from the Disney movie Coco, RootsTech goes all out every year to give high priority to Family History. They make it relevant and fun for the whole family to jump into the past and research their ancestors. This year, for their main stage finale with over 10,000 in attendance and hundreds of thousands watching a live stream on, they featured Evie Clair. She shared music about families that is special to her and told of Swiss ancestors that she was able to learn more about through a RootsTech personal family history specialist.
While back stage for the rehearsal and the show day, Evie was able to meet and mingle with President Dallin H. Oaks of the first presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his family, Elder Rendlund of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles as well as Scott Hamilton, Hank Smith and the incredible people she performed with including her good friend Sara Arkell, The Piano Gal, Alex Melecio, Kenya Clark, Rodrigo Benecourt and Masa Fukuda – director of the One Voice Children’s Choir and host Jason Hewlett. Natalia LaFourcade would have been there as well, but had to leave the conference early for an opportunity that came up to sing at the Oscars.
Evie’s family and friends came to watch her perform in the final main stage segment of the conference and were so touched by her songs and the deep meanings they held for the family. Evie sang To Where You Are made popular by Josh Groban and I’m not sure a dry eye could be found in the 13,000 seat room. One audience member said, “Somehow she conveys emotion so powerfully. It’s not the polish or power, just her ability to reach into your soul.”
Evie then spoke about her own Swiss ancestry and the incredible origin of her last name. She sang a song called Army of Angels written by her cousin McKenna Morris who is currently serving a mission in Russia. She then spoke of music and her ancestors and the origins of her musical talents. The final number was How Can a Moment Last Forever from the recent Beauty and the Beast movie. She sang with Alex and Kenya an arrangement by Masa Fukuda for the perfect finale.
Every detail of the conference was handled with such professionalism and Evie was so grateful to be part of it. They used a clip from America’s Got Talent to introduce her and in the exchange with NBC for licensing on that video, they were so impressed with RootsTech for going through all the correct channels to acquire legal rights to use the clip. They were impressed with an organization that would obey the rules so perfectly when so many others seemingly break copyright laws without thought or consequence.
RootTech 2018 was a success! We know our children had a wonderful time at the Family Discovery Day and we plan to return next year.
Evie Clair Raises Funds for Arts at Hometown School
Evie Clair played a benefit concert for the performing arts department at a school near her home on Saturday. The American Leadership Academy – Ironwood campus in Queen Creek, Arizona gave her a warm welcome as she performed with her siblings for a dynamic concert of lively and heartfelt covers and originals. Supporting music in schools is close to Evie’s heart as her mother was a high school music teacher for many years. Evie shared with a sold out audience, the story of her journey over the past year dealing with her father’s death while being in the spotlight of America’s Got Talent. She will be traveling for performances for most of March but was thankful to be at home for a little while. She said this concert was her favorite because she could feel her dad there with her so strongly. She broke down crying during her song Okay Day and her supportive sister, Kirra who also accompanied her on drums, helped her through it along with fans who held up lights from their cell phones.
Photo Gallery from ALA Concert
Special thanks to photographer Karli Mortensen
AGT Reunion Shows in Washington
In a little city called Mill Creek near Seattle, Washington, many of the finalists from America’s Got Talent were showcased Friday and Saturday at a Christmas spectacular at Gold Creek. Evie Clair took the stage with Merrick Hanna, Christian Guardino, Kochi Okwuchi, DaNell Daymon & Greater Works: Gospel Choir plus several other acts including finalists from NBC’s The Sing Off.
Gold Creek really knows how to put on a show and they were brilliant to recruit musical genius, Gary Verrill, to direct and produce the music! We were stunned by the incredible stage and sound. They even had ice skaters skating on stage somehow and an aerialist flying over the stage in the pre-show.
The entire concert was incredible. We showed up for sound check expecting to use backing tracks for Evie’s songs but were excited to find out that she would have a live – extremely talented band backing her up. Evie, like most musicians, comes alive when the music is real, live and not overly rehearsed.
Evie and dancer Merrick Hanna from AGT collaborated for the first time together on a dubstep mashup of Carol of the Bells/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen that was a huge hit!
At the end of the dynamic show, the pianist – Gary, pulled up the favorite Christmas songs from audience polls and called on performers to improvise a random song completely unrehearsed! Golden Buzzer winner, Christian Guardino, from AGT was clearly the king of improv this weekend, but Evie proved that she could also hold her own on the spot.
Evie loved spending time with her AGT friends but she was also thrilled to be able to spend some time with her aunt and uncle and cousins who live in Seattle. They hosted a breakfast at their home while we were in town and invited dozens of young women from church for brunch and a musical devotional.
Dec 9th Named “Evie Clair Day” in South Carolina!
Evie Clair arrived in Anderson, South Carolina to a snow storm that is unusual for the South this time of year. Anderson rarely gets snow even in January let alone as early as December. They assumed it must have been Evie’s granted wish since she had rarely seen snow as a Phoenix valley native. All of her Christmas wishes seemed to come true with the help of not only the weather, but the southern hospitality of the people in Anderson.
Evie was greeted by the directors of Anderson Lights of Hope – a 45 acre Christmas lights display in the heart of the city. They treated her like royalty and had a number of surprises awaiting her over her two day visit.
She first arrived at the Hilton Garden hotel where they directed her to a beautiful grand piano in an acoustic chamber. She gave a stunning private performance with several people who had been awaiting her arrival listening in.
The next day she was escorted to the Cancer Association of Anderson where she learned of their incredible impact for good on the local community who had been affected by cancer. They help provide transportation for treatments, emotional support, hats, blankets, scarfs, etc. medical insurance assistance, physical therapy and so much more. Evie and her mother were given a tour of the facility by Director Angie Stringer who is a cancer survivor herself.
They approached a wall with names where they recognize not only those who have passed on but caretakers who have fought with them and raised awareness. They presented Evie with her name and her father’s name to add to the wall. She and her mother placed them near the names of the father’s of their hosts. Both Ben and Bonnie Phillips also recently lost their fathers to cancer and were the ones to initiate Evie’s visit to South Carolina.
Evie was then presented with the South Carolina flag as a gift for her “performance at the Anderson Christmas Lights Event and for touching so many hearts with her dedication to family, her strength of survival, her talent, her inner and outer beauty and vivacious and caring personality.” This was presented and signed by the entire legislative delegation of Anderson County.
She was then presented with an authentic US flag that was flown over the capital in Washington DC at the request of Jeff Duncan in honor of Evie Clair and she was given a proclamation from Mayor Terence Roberts declaring December 9th Evie Clair Day! It officially recognized her accomplishments and praised her for raising awareness for the Cancer Association of Anderson. An official resolution was passed and signed by representatives of all the districts in the county to honor her.
They thanked her again for sharing her music and her story while she and her mother were overwhelmed with gratitude for such an honor and such love from the people of South Carolina.
To further show their appreciation for her, Ben Phillips took Evie to Drasien Edwards Music to let her pick a guitar of her choice which she hasn’t been able to put down.
Before the concert that night in the Electric City, Evie was treated to complimentary breakfast at Eggs Up Grill, a photoshoot at the Old Court House and city Christmas Tree with the famous Mr. Whitner Statue. The best part of her day was when her grandfather met them for lunch at Mellow Mushroom Pizza. Dean Abplanalp is Evie’s dad’s father who lives in Orlando, FL and was able to make it to SC for the event – another Christmas wish. The event went off without a hitch and Evie touched the hearts of many with her beautiful Christmas music. Despite the freezing temps, it was the largest turnout the Electric City had ever seen. Evie Clair found incredible, giving hearts in South Carolina and she says she will never forget the experience for the rest of her life.
(photo credits – Mike Heisler)
I love Christmas! Mom placing my dad’s name on the wall at the Anderson Cancer Center Show at Anderson Lights of Hope They spoil me! Signing autographs after the concert Thank you Ben Phillips for my new guitar! My mama and grandpa watching my show in 34 degrees!